Product Process
ASAS Filter, the start-up application is process-based and
rules the design consideration which consist of the product
designed by using concurrent engineering techniques and interdisciplinary
approach applications, having the physical and functional conditions
for the customer satisfaction, at the same time, meeting the
legal responsibilities by manufacturing and using the product
every new product, which taken to start up in ASAS, a project
team is made in the leadership of research development
and a
project-based engineering plan is prepared.
New product engineering plan is examined in five phases:
Planning and feasibility, product design and development,
process design
and development, becoming valid of product and process,
feedback review.
new design data bank is formed, which provides to use the experiences
made from the previous design projects, information, analysis
of competitor, feedback information of suppliers, internal
field data and from other sources obtained data in similar
structure of current and future projects and in the new product
Although the developing computer simulation techniques in design
works, ASAS results to its customer with the most optimum design
providing high performance product by doing functional and fast
In new product prototyping, the item/product is produced in effective
process conditions. The design verification is carried out in applying
comprehensive laboratory performance tests.